Bio-Rad Laboratories has added three new analytes, MDMA (Ecstasy), MDA, and MDEA to each of its Liquichek™ Urine Toxicology Controls, at relevant testing levels for these drugs. The Liquichek controls for confirmatory testing are liquid, ready-to-use products prepared from human urine, and are designed to provide an unbiased assessment of a laboratory’s drugs-of-abuse testing system.
Unopened, these controls are stable for up to 3 years when stored refrigerated. Once opened, the control can be refrigerated for 30 days. These products help users comply with federal guidelines for drugs-of-abuse testing, as outlined by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration and other agencies.
The UNITY™ quality control program is available for use with these products. In addition, users can subscribe to QC OnCall™, a data management software system designed to improve the effectiveness of quality control processes.
Bio-Rad Laboratories Inc