Beckman Coulter Inc, Fullerton, Calif, has introduced the UniCel DxC 880i Synchron® Access® clinical system, an integrated work cell that consolidates chemistry and immunoassay testing for high-volume labs.
The newest addition to the company’s work cell family combines the UniCel DxC 800 chemistry system and the UniCel DxI 800 high-throughput immunoassay system.
Often the first step in automating a clinical diagnostic lab, work cells have proven to be the fastest-growing segment of the chemistry testing market with an increase of more than 15% a year.
The product offers a menu of more than 150 different chemistry and immunoassay tests from a single point of sample entry—with 120 tests onboard ranging from cardiac and tumor markers to tests for renal function. The system processes up to 1,440 chemistry tests an hour and up to 400 immunoassay tests an hour.
It features closed-tube sampling, closed-tube aliquotting capabilities, and eliminates the de-capping and re-capping steps in the lab process. The features help labs increase efficiency, enhance operator safety, and reduce the potential for errors.