The Sebia CAPILLARYS carbohydrate-deficient transferrin (CDT) assay is performed via capillary= electrophoresis and consists of a completely automated, stand-alone method. CDT is a contemporary alcohol biomarker and a specific indicator of chronic alcohol abuse. CDT reflects alcohol intake during the 1 to 2 weeks prior to blood collection. Because CDT levels return to normal in approximately 14 days, the CAPILLARYS CDT test is used for monitoring abstinence in an alcohol-abuse treatment setting.
CAPILLARYS CDT features a throughput of 38 samples per hour with no sample preparation required. The assay is suitable for both screening and confirmation analysis. Therefore, the time-consuming and expensive confirmation of CDT-positive results is no longer required. Interpretation of results is simplified since the CAPILLARYS automatically calculates percent CDT for each sample. No manual calculations are required.
Sebia Electrophoresis
800 835-6497;