Reader’s Choice #5
A pamphlet titled The Importance of Glycohemoglobin in monitoring long-term blood glucose control in diabetic patients, is available from this company. Authored by David E. Goldstein, M.D., of the University of Missouri, it highlights the benefits of Glycohemoglobin testing for patients with type 1 or 2 diabetes. Recent studies have demonstrated that normalizing blood glucose through GHb monitoring can reduce the incidence and slow the progression of diabetic complications.
Designed for clinical laboratories to distribute to their practicing physicians, the booklet details the latest developments in clinical practice including the recommended frequency of testing and target ranges. An algorithm is included for estimating mean blood glucose from GHb values. Also outlined are the benefits of using a GHb method that has been certified by the National Glycohemoglobin Standardization Program.
Bio-Rad Laboratories
KEYWORD: reagent, brochure