BLM-TC Planar Lipid Bilayer Thermocycler Workstation
Measures single-channel events
The new BLM-TC Planar Lipid Bilayer Thermocycler Workstation from Warner Instruments, Hamden, Conn, features a Peltier-driven Platform that provides tight and reproducible temperature control to facilitate the measurement of single-channel events at temperatures between 5°C and 50°C. The device heats and cools at an average rate of 3°C per minute and maintains a temperature to within 0.2°C of the set temperature.
Warner Instruments
(800) 599-4203
MV VisiTrap
Vacuum inlet trap
The MV VisiTrap vacuum inlet trap from MV Products, North Billerica, Mass, a division of Mass-Vac Inc, helps prevent pump failures in smaller labs and features a new, optional wall mount bracket. The unit provides a clear sump for visually monitoring the condition of the filter, and accepts many replaceable filter elements for trapping foreign materials that could damage the pump. The see-through inlet trap, suitable for pumps up to 20 CFM, adapts to varied processes. The unit is available with many popular port terminations, and can be supplied with copper gauze, stainless steel gauze, molecular sieve, Sodasorb, activated charcoal, activated alumina, and PolyPro 2-, 5-, and 20-µm filter types to protect pumps from particles, acids, solvents, and water vapor. Other options include a dial gauge assembly and vent valve.
MV Products
(978) 667-2393
TB-3 CCD Thermal Insert
Platform for cell culture
Warner Instruments, Hamden, Conn, introduces the new TB-3 CCD Thermal Insert, a platform for cell culture and tissue work on the NanoScanZ stage from Prior Scientific. The insert is for 35-mm cell culture dishes and the Warner RC-40 Quick Change Imaging chambers. An integral water jacket removes excess heat from the internal Peltier device and allows for precise temperature control of media (5°C to 50°C) when used with the company’s low-noise CL-100 temperature controller and heat exchanger (TCM-1 Thermal Cooling Module). Magnetic stainless steel along the perimeter of the platform allows for the use of magnetic suction and perfusion tube holders.
Warner Instruments
(800) 599-4203
PS200-HC and PS300-B
Electrophoresis applications
Hoefer Inc, San Francisco, introduces Models PS200-HC and PS300-B, a new line of power supplies for enhancing blotting and electrophoresis applications. They feature a small footprint and ergonomically designed features. Each model includes four sets of outputs (4 mm), constant voltage or constant current, and variable-setting timer. The 300-volt unit is for the majority of electrophoresis techniques, and the 200-volt unit is useful for many blotting applications. The company is a wholly owned subsidiary of Harvard Bioscience.
Hoefer Inc
(800) 227-4750