The DyNA Block 1000 is a 96-well plate with a capacity for 1.0mL in each well.
It has been designed for use with robotic systems such as the Beckman BioMek, Tecan Genesis, and Tomtec Quadra, cell harvesters (including Brandel and Skatron) and liquid handling workstations. Available in both polypropylene and polystyrene, these plates are stackable for conserving valuable bench space.
A map of caps that covers the entire plate is available separately. The round bottom wells are labeled alphanumerically for easy identification. The polypropylene plates can be frozen at temperatures as low as 70º making them suitable for storage of biological samples. The product is available in packs of 25 in either sterile or non-sterile packaging.
Labnet International
Keyword: automation, plate