With innovative comfort-zone technology and safety features, the Unistik 3 single-use safety lancet from Owen Mumford Inc is designed to provide patient comfort and health care worker safety. Patented comfort-zone technology is a pain-masking feature that provides a comfortable level of stimulation to the sample site, disguising the pain of lancing. Previously available only on the Autolet Impression lancing device, comfort-zone technology works by using the central nervous system to communicate messages from the nerve endings to the brain. When pressed against the sample site, a series of eight raised dots on the platform stimulate the nerve endings. This sends a powerful message of comfort to the brainmasking the weaker pain stimulus from the lancet. Unistik 3 is preset and does not require any cocking procedure. The needle point is hidden before use and automatically retracts after use to avoid accidental needle-stick injuries and cross-infection. After Unistik 3 has been used, it is rendered inoperable, providing the highest level of safety for health care professionals and patients. Should any reuse be attempted, Unistik 3 has an additional visual lockout feature that clearly indicates that the device has been used and is ready for disposal in a suitable sharps container. Unistik 3 single-use lancing devices are available in needle gauges of 28G (Comfort), 23G (Normal), 21G (Extra), and 18G (Dual), and reduced puncture depths of 1.8 and 2 mm, while providing equivalent blood-flow volumes. With the combination of needle grinding and electropolishing techniques, less depth is necessary. Unistik 3 is packaged in boxes of 100, 200m and bulk. In addition, boxes of 25 and 50 will be available for Comfort and Normal.
Owen Mumford Inc
(770) 977-2226; www.owenmumfordinc.com