DVVtest® is a single-vial reagent based on the diluted Russells Viper Venom (dRVVT) test for the screening of lupus anticoagulants (LA) in plasma. DVVconfirm® is a high-phospholipid confirmatory reagent to be used in conjunction with the DVVtest for the verification of LA. Both DVVtest and DVVconfirm are suitable for manual and fully automated procedures. DVVtroll LA quality control plasmas are a set of unassayed controls that have been developed for use as part of the laboratorys quality control procedures for LA.
The IMUCLONER line of ELISA-based test procedures measure anti-phospholipid antibodies (APA). These APA assays form a fully integrated panel of essential assays to aid medical laboratory scientists and clinicians in accurately diagnosing Anti-Phospholipid Syndrome (APS). Normal and abnormal control plasmas are also available for quality control procedures.
Another new test procedure, the SIMPLIFY D-dimer immunochromatographic test (ITC) is a new option for the detection and measurement of D-dimer for assessment of patients suspected of having venous thromboembolism (VTE), including pulmonary embolism (PE), disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), and deep venous thrombosis (DVT).
The Actichrome® Plasminogen chromogenic test procedure for the quantitative determination of Plasminogen in human plasma is also available. Plasminogen is the plasma precursor of the enzyme plasmin, the major protease that mediates fibrinolysis. The tests principle is based on the formation of the complex that is formed between plasminogen and an excess concentration of bacterial-derived streptokinase. This resulting plasminogen/streptokinase complex possesses plasmin-like activity that can be determined photometrically. Using a plasmin-specific chromogenic substrate, the amount of amidolytic activity generated is directly proportional to the concentration of plasminogen at 405 nm in the test sample. A variety of applications and protocols are available for manual, semi automated, and fully automated test procedures.
American Diagnostica Inc.