Most of the LIS survey is available as a downloadable pdf. The complete survey results for each company are also available as pdfs for download (or simple viewing) below:
- Antek HealthWare, LLC
- Aspyra, Inc.
- Cerner
- Clinical Information Systems, Inc.
- ClinLab, Inc.
- Comp Pro Med Inc.
- Computer Service & Support, Inc.
- Computer Trust Corporation
- COVE Laboratory Software
- Custom Software Systems, Inc.
- Fletcher-Flora Health Care Systems, Inc. (eSuite)
- Fletcher-Flora Health Care Systems, Inc. (Labpak)
- GE Healthcare
- HEX Laboratory Systems
- IMPAC Medical Systems, Inc. (Intellilab)
- IMPAC Medical Systems, Inc (PowerPath)
- LabSoft, Inc.
- M/MGMT Systems, Inc.
- McKesson Corp.
- Medcom Information Systems, Inc.
- MediSolution
- NoemaLife S.p.A.
- Novovision, Inc.
- Orchard Software
- Psyche Systems Corporation
- SCC Soft Computer
- Siemens Medical
- Sunquest Information Systems