Patent-pending Tip-on-Tip technology from DPX Technologies, Columbia, SC, is designed as a natural progression of the company’s InTip product line to promote the simplification and automation of complex sample preparation.

Tip-on-Tip filtration combines a conductive wide-bore tip on the top with a filtration tip on the bottom, to provide an automated alternative to traditional filtration and centrifugation. The methodology is suited for high-throughput protein precipitation, beta-glucuronidase removal, or any other particulate removal.

Filtration tips can be ordered in low-porosity, dual-phase, or single-phase varieties to accommodate high or low sample volumes for filtration of varied matrices, including blood, serum, and urine. The tips are compatible with systems from Hamilton Robotics.

For further information, visit DPX Technologies.

Featured image: Low-porosity filtration tip from DPX Technologies, shown on a Microlab Nimbus automated liquid handling robot from Hamilton Robotics.