With estimates of more than 600,000 accidental needle sticks in medical settings yearly, and federal and state fines being levied in the thousands of dollars for violations of needlestick safety standards, Kawasumi Laboratories America Inc, Tampa, Fla, introduces the OSHA-compliant, performance-enhanced K-Shield® Advantage Winged Blood Collection Set, to help reduce this incidence.

The K-Shield Advantage is designed to eliminate accidental needlestick injuries experienced by medical practitioners by allowing them to safely, easily cover the needle in a protective sheath with a one-handed technique as it is withdrawn from the patient.

Practitioners can still use the standard two-handed technique if they prefer, so there is no need for additional in-service training.

Providing K-Shield for use by medical practitioners brings employers into compliance with the requirements of Rule 1910.1030 of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s Needlestick Safety and Prevention Act of 2000.

“Because of the increasing incidence of accidental needle sticks, 21 US states now have laws on the books providing for state sanctions and fines for noncompliance with federal and state rules regulating occupational exposure to blood borne pathogens,” says Tony Serna, Kawasumi America’s manager of IV Products.

[Source: Kawasumi Laboratories America]