Judy O'Rourke

Judy O’Rourke

With the AACC meeting and Clinical Lab Expo in the rearview mirror, and this issue in production, I’m sitting here on the flight home composing this message.

I enjoyed meeting many people I’ve known only through e-mail since I became editor in June, and meeting new ones whose insights and products we’ll share with you in future issues.

Whether you’re a high- or low-volume lab, you’ll appreciate how advances in technology have broadened the options available to you for maximizing your investment in instruments and equipment, enabling better coping with mushrooming workflow coupled with dwindling numbers of experienced lab personnel to handle it.

While some products are available right now, others were previewed at the show. The real buzz was about advances in automation and molecular diagnostics. New products range from a complete solution for preanalytical microbiology specimen processing, versatile and nimble immunoassay analyzer configurations, expanded immunoassay test menus, combo tests on a single platform, clinical information systems, fully automated ELISA processing, UV-Vis and fluorescence instrumentation, Vitamin D and biomarker controls, innovations in POC and HPV testing, automated molecular diagnostics solutions for the core lab, molecular diagnostics quality controls, molecular diagnostics for allergy testing and molecular assays for infectious diseases, and much more. User-friendly dashboards and intuitive, icon-driven touchscreens help you monitor and document the process and proactively avoid downtime.

With some 70% of patient records consisting of lab tests, laboratorians’ value to physicians and other decision-makers in the health care arena cannot be overstated. Your knowledge about the vast and ever-expanding testing options and expertise to recommend the best solutions could play a decisive role in guiding physicians and helping to avoid unnecessary tests/duplications, and controlling or lowering the spiraling costs of health care.

I want to know what’s on your mind. Please reach out and share your thoughts about industry matters or how we can better serve your needs and interests with CLP.

Judy O’Rourke
Editor, CLP

(818) 716-6873