Glyca-Direct is this company’s ultra-sensitive enzyme technology for the quantitation of fructosamine in serum.
The recently-introduced technology allows the operator to run fructosamine directly on the analyzer without sacrificing sensitivity. This enzyme method has a correlation coefficient of .990 with the overnight HPLC furosine reference method.
Older methods for fructosamine use the NBT technology, which can suffer from significant non-specific interference. When NBT is compared with HPLC assays there is an intercept of about 100 µmoL/L. This corresponds to 35 percent of the quoted upper reference limit for non-diabetic subjects.
Compared to Hemoglobin A1C, this shorter time frame can be valuable in monitoring diabetic control in situations such as gestational diabetes and changing drug therapy.
Physicians may find this method preferable to hemoglobin A1C tests.
Keyword: reagent, chemistry