The American Association for Clinical Chemistry (AACC) will host a new Webinar titled, “Optimizing Clinical Laboratory Test Utilization” on Wednesday, December 14.
Reducing inappropriate laboratory testing isn’t just a worthy strategic goal; it is a financial necessity that can improve patient care by avoiding unnecessary testing and patient anxiety.
There are a variety of causes of overutilization. These include misunderstanding the diagnostic value of the test, patient pressure, and test bundling. There are also many ways to introduce interventions to optimize test utilization, from simple guidance to more complex control. This Webinar will provide information on how to identify areas in need of management and strategies to optimize test utilization.
Organizations that can team together to optimize clinical test utilization will not only decrease costs, but also decrease patient anxiety, false diagnosis, additional testing, and unnecessary work. Attend and know how to improve your test utilization and patient care.
For more information or to register, click here.