tf01.JPG (9443 bytes)      Cardiac Reader IQC are reusable control strips now available for fast, easy verification of this company’s Cardiac Reader system performance.
     The Cardiac Reader makes it possible for emergency department and other patient care facilities to obtain quantitative troponin T results in just 12 minutes, and myoglobin results in eight minutes.
     The Cardiac Reader is a tabletop system that uses a small (150 uL )********* of whole blood. An audible alarm and red “positive” LED light provide early warning, even before the 12-minute read cycle is completed, when the troponin T reading climbs above 0.1 ng/mL.
     The Roche Cardiac Reader is standardized to the Roche Elecsys immunoassay system used in the central lab, allowing clinicians to effectively trend quantitative results at the bedside with central lab results after admission.
Roche Diagnostics
Keywords: point of care, cardiac marker