Category: Quality Control Programs

Quality Control Programs


SeraCare Enhances Quality Control Software

The QC software supports whole-workflow data capture from sample preparation to variant calling, along with associated reagent and operator data, which are all critical to building a holistic depiction of an assay’s performance.

Our clinic laboratory performs a limited amount of testing for some analytes. We meet the CLIA QC requirements by analyzing 2 levels of…

Our clinic laboratory performs a limited amount of testing for some analytes. We meet the CLIA QC requirements by analyzing 2 levels of liquid control each day of testing to assess quality for the tested analytes. For the low...

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Hi, Are there guide line for how often QC needs tested? Most say follow the instruments manufacturer suggestions.
But sometimes…

Hi, Are there guide line for how often QC needs tested? Most say follow the instruments manufacturer suggestions. But sometimes that seemed too far apart. – As far as I know, there are no international guidelines detailing...

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Thank you Alison, Is there an appropriate number of times in a given time frame for adjusting qc ranges. Reference ranges are said to be…

Thank you Alison, Is there an appropriate number of times in a given time frame for adjusting qc ranges. Reference ranges are said to be adjusted at approximately 6 mos time frames. Would this hold true for qc as well? Thank you...

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FDA Clears Sysmex Hematology Analyzer for Blood Processing Center QC Release Testing

Sysmex announces that its Sysmex XE-2100D Automated Hematology Analyzer has been cleared by the FDA for blood processing center Quality Control release testing of post-processed red blood cell and platelet components collected using a variety of anticoagulants.

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