Verichem Upgrades CLIA-Compliant Data Reduction and Test Reporting Software
Verichem Laboratories upgraded its web-based, CLIA-compliant data reduction and test reporting software program.
Verichem Laboratories upgraded its web-based, CLIA-compliant data reduction and test reporting software program.
Rapid molecular diagnostics contribute to improved patient outcomes.
The newly launched exome capture kit enables whole-exome sequencing and targeted copy number analysis in a single assay.
The improved LIS increases efficiency and expands user configurability for clinical laboratories.
Read MoreAI-driven digital pathology can accelerate cancer diagnosis and clinical trial recruitment.
Read MoreThe Xifin 6 LIS provides high-complexity, high-volume labs with integrated artificial intelligence-driven capabilities and enhanced batch processing.
Read MoreThe study will evaluate the utility of Elypta’s liquid biopsy platform for the early detection of recurrence in renal cell carcinoma patients after surgery.
Read MoreLaboratory technicians can automate workflows with advanced scheduling and operating features such as input parameter screen development, error logging, and external notification.
Read MoreThe integrated platform analyzes isolated data sets to help hospitals make better-informed medical decisions.
Read MoreLabs reap the benefits of automated QC and interlaboratory peer-reporting systems.
Read MoreSeveral factors are driving the need for continuous improvements and innovations in laboratory information systems.
Read MoreThe automated blood screening system can run 600 tests per hour and has a minimum walkaway time of 3 hours.
Read MoreThe system’s processing speed accommodates the needs of both small laboratories with many different sample types requiring rapid processing and large labs that process large batches.
Read MoreNew technologies are poised to make important contributions in monitoring the health of patients. But laboratorians should be aware of issues that may affect the data they see in patient records, especially when discordant values could influence clinical decisionmaking.
Read MoreInnovative products featured by exhibitors at the American Association for Clinical Chemistry 2019 scientific meeting and clinical lab expo.
Read MoreThe wide FOV camera captures approximately four times the area of Cytation 5’s standard camera, allowing users to capture larger areas of interest.
Read MoreThe smart camera is especially suited for adoption by original equipment manufacturers of automated in vitro diagnostic instruments.
Read MoreProceeds from the financing will advance the company’s companion diagnostic program, which spans solid tumors, hematological malignancies, and circulating tumor DNA applications.
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